Rapid Tooling in the age of automationCompletion of the new automation hall

It is done: Our new automation hall has been in operation for 8 weeks now. Since then, it has proven to be outstanding. Many of our customers are familiar with far-reaching automation in the production of injection-moulded components, especially in the area of large-scale production. We are now taking the step of automating tool production in previously unknown dimensions: recurring processes are handled by specially developed design software and a CNC machine park adapted to this.
Automatic operations include the production of mechanical slides and their elements, the automatic generation of all standardized mold elements, as well as the placement of the ejectors and the generation of the elements of the ejector mechanics. Our project managers and toolmakers use the enormous time savings to concentrate on the important parts of their work, especially on the special requirements of our customers in their projects.
Our new automation system was able to pass its baptism of fire in the unreal times of the so-called "lockdown" and prove that Solidtec is ready for new tasks. 24 hours after the request, we were able to create a tool for a face shield retaining bracket overnight and produce the first 1,000 parts within one day. Also the creation of further duplicate tools at the same speed has enabled us to increase the daily production to 50,000 parts within 3 weeks to meet the high demand.
First-class performance thanks to automationProduction & delivery of 1 million components in 4 weeks
Lightning-fast tooling design, manufacture and delivery of one million components (around 50,000 per day) in just four weeks: We are convinced that this performance is unique in the world thanks to our specially developed automation.
The Corona pandemic is also presenting us with new challenges, and we are being shown every day how communication chains in the necessary multi-shift operation and with home office staff are becoming longer and more complex.
This increases the administrative work involved in the implementation of our customer projects, which is clearly detrimental to our industry philosophy. With our new automation in the tool creation process, we can now significantly improve both precision and tool creation time. This enables us to guarantee faster delivery times even with increased bureaucratic effort.
True to our company philosophy, we want to process orders quickly and reliably, also to generate market advantages for our customers. Thanks to our fast systems we can win back lost time for you.
If you also want to benefit from these advantages, we would like to be or become your valuable partner again when implementing your next projects! Of course, we are always happy to make an appointment with you for this in our or your company.
Please contact us by phone at +49 6071 9229-0, by e-mail at info@solidtec.de or via our contact form: